Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Back to Work!

Hello, there, the soapery friends! I am so sorry for the long hiatus from posting. After the several months of whirlwind of activity, soapmaking, and selling that we did over the holiday season, we took a much-needed breather. Sometimes, I think it's a good idea to take a break from creative endeavors, just to catch your breath, regroup, refocus, and come back swinging. I feel that for me, it really renews and re-energizes my creative juices! So I am very sorry for the soapery's absence...but I promise we've been thinking and plotting and planning during our down time to come back in 2011 with some great new products! Please forgive us!

Will post soon regarding a new project we've been working on...a Korean baby's first birthday party! For those of you who don't know, a baby's first birthday party is a HUGE DEAL in Korean culture. It's always a well-attended affair, complete with tons of food, tons of gifts for the baby and parents, and all culminating with the main activity of the event during which the baby picks its fortune!

Photo Credit
To give you the rundown of what that means, a baby is set in front of a table that has different items placed on it. There are many variations of what items you can put on the table (especially in modern times), but traditionally, the baby is to choose between a pencil, a needle and thread, noodles, and money. These days, people put electronics and sometimes a Bible on the table as well. The baby is "released" and it reaches out to grab one item. Whichever item it grabs first is supposed to be a prediction of the baby's future fortune. If it grabs a pencil, it means that it will excel in academia; the needle and thread means it will be successful in some type of craft; the noodles means the baby will have a long life; and the money means that the baby will be wealthy.

It's a fun and wonderful tradition and such an important milestone for a Korean baby. That's why the soapery is so excited to be a part of one of these such parties as the provider of the favors for the guests! Stay tuned to see what we came up with!

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